Saturday, December 8, 2007

Featured in World Wide Web

Hey there guys... just wana share some good news (happened in the past though) with everybody. I was actually featured in my TAR College quarterly bulletin, with photo somemore. Please click over the link for the online version of the news (so 'syok' with such little online fame, muka tembok lah)

For keep sake purpose, I have kept a few hard copies of this issue bulletin. Actually there was another time where I was featured in my College Bulletin, but during that time (much earlier than the online version posted), TARC have not set up their online bullentin board yet. So can't get any online version to be posted. Geramnya, if not can show off more here... :P
Anyway, just wana fill up something for the blog.
Not impressive at all rite?
Feel free to drop me a comment or some message in my blogs.
Anyway, thanks for reading through...!!


kienjean said...


Anonymous said...

dont syok sendiri.. berita kampus only. XD found glamour already la? =p