Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Randomness #1

I have been styling my hair short since I started college. Before that I did not even bother to do anything about it.

However, recently it has attracted some unexpected attentions. Read on to find out more.


Recently, a company colleague said this to me right before the lunch hours start.

Colleague: "Wah, your hair ah, it grows upward and never come down one ah?"

Me: "Errr, no ah... I got use hair product to style it. But even without it, my hair most of them will stand out haha, just that it's messier..."

Colleague: "Ohhhhh wah like that also can."


During the recent company annual dinner, another colleague came by.

Colleague: "Wow you looked great! Which saloon you go to have them set your hair?"

Myself: "Oh thank you! Err I just had it cut short yesterday and I style myself at home just now hahaha"

Colleague: "Oh wow, cool! What hair styling products you used?"

Myself: "Oh, I used L'Oreal and Gatsby products, both of them together!"


And few months ago, one ex-colleague randomly asked me.

Ex-colleague: "Eh, how long you spent on styling your hair?"

Me: "Errr.... *caught by surprise* like 3-5 minutes the most loh... hahaha"

Ex-colleague: "Ohhh really? *a hint of disbelief* What hair styling products you used?"

Me: "Ohhh, I used L'Oreal and Gatsby products, combination of both!"


Okay, enough of syok sendiri-ness... Back to reality. Bye.


kienjean said...

Hey Mr Hero,

You remind me a lot about how others complimented me as well when I make my hair wet-look occasionally. You see even we hang out I don't gel it either ;p I like to be low-key, and better be unnoticable, hehe ;p

Good to hear about you. Well, I'm trying to arrange some time to meet up before I start my job. Let's see how...

japanesecarp said...

kienjean: hahahaha... oh that's great news on your new coming job! We should catch up soon!