Thursday, June 24, 2010

it's Mango haven here

If you are a mango lover, one cup of all natural green mango shake is never enough ~

If you see there's mango available in the dessert menu, go for it!!

Of course, one cannot missed the chance of having Mango crepe ^^

Mango-liciously blissfull =)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

it's all about Mango here

Cebu, or I preferred to call it the land of mango, has abundance of fresh mangoes everywhere.

Every morning, there're fresh ripe mangoes for breakfast dessert.

During lunch, green mango shake is my favourite.

For dinner, fresh mango shakes are easily available at any juice stalls.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Unexpected Goodies

Some unexpected goodies during my morning flight to Cebu via MAS.

Desserts for the breakfast ^^

And I'm flying economy class. Imagine what business class will get =P

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Quarter of century and more to come ^^

In few hours time, I will be a quarter of century old.
Time flies. 25 years on earth seems like a flicker moment flashing by.
Happy Born Day to myself =)